Course Guide Sept 2022
How is it Assessed? There are two papers each of which are two hours long. Paper one contains ap- plied anatomy and physiology, skill acqui- sition, sport and society. Paper two con- tains exercise physiology and biomechanics, sport psychology, society and technology in sport. There is also a non-examined element (NEA) of the course in which a student is assessed as a per- former or coach in the full sided version of one activity, which is worth 30% of the course. Enrichment opportunities? The course will include opportunities to gain qualifications for officiating and coaching. Following this exposure to matches in school competitions which may lead to opportunities to more advanced and paid coaching, officiating and leadership roles outside of school. Trips to fixtures, competitions and lec- tures make the experience of studying such a broad subject more exciting. In addition, there are certain perks which may include priority entry to the school sport facilities including our state-of-the- art gym.
Where might it lead you? Physical education is a subject which can be combined with any other studied at Tiffin school and the opportunities beyond A level are vast. It is often seen as even more advantageous when combined with sciences and this can enhance experiences in those subjects at A level. There are obvious paths you can take following A level PE including: coaching, psychology, sports development and management, physiotherapy, osteopathy, sociology, nutrition and naturopathy, personal training, teaching, sports science, professional athlete and so much more. The skills such as analysis and evaluation, communication, social and physical performance gained from this course can be transferred across so many different platforms and this is one of the courses greatest strengths.
Physical Education and sport play a large part in student life at Tiffin school. The ability to study it at A level has returned, after a brief hiatus, and we look forward to developing students enthusiasm, un- derstanding and knowledge of sporting environments, psychology and physiology. A hugely enjoyable course which relies heavily on an individual's passion for all things sport as a performer and an official. What will you study? Students will look at the physiology behind a sports person at different levels and discover how this reflects on performances, whilst also applying theories of biomechanics and skill acquisition. Sports' impact on society and its relationship with the media and technology is constantly evolving and what this does to its image plays a big part in the course. The great mix between the practical and written aspects of the course are the key draws to studying Physical Education at A level.
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