Tiffin Parents’ Association By having a son at Tiffin, you are automatically a member of the Tiffin Parents Association (TPA). We are an inclusive, informal, relaxed gathering of parents like you and we aim to be a source of information and support for ALL Tiffin parents, as well as advance the education of all boys at Tiffin. We do that by promoting and enabling a sense of community among parents with a calendar of events and by fund raising. Fund Raising As well as building a community we get involved with fund raising, and it’s never been more important. In a recent Newsletter the Head teacher explained how spending cuts … “ are inevitably putting a strain on finances at School and our ability to continue to provide the breadth of curriculum and wider curriculum opportunities that we have always prided ourselves on.” Against this background, the school has emphasised the importance of contributions through the Tiffin Education Fund. For our part, we raise funds with a programme of social gatherings throughout the year as well as holding a Pre-Owned Uniform Sale for New Parents – 100% of money raised goes to the School. These efforts are supported by an online giving scheme: easyfundraising. Using it costs you nothing, but donates a small percentage of an online sale to the school. Please sign up at www.tiffinparents.co.uk Getting Involved The TPA will be present at the New Boy’s Day evening for parents when we will provide you with more information. We aim to have 2-3 class reps per form, as well as volunteers to help with events, web experts, designers, writers, content creators and financial or legal professionals –anyone can help and volunteer, all support is appreciated. You can volunteer on your own terms with however much or little time you can spare. Sharing of information Tiffin School would like to provide your contact details (names, email, and first part of your postcode) to the TPA so that they can invite you to various events; seek your support for the activities that they manage for the benefit of Tiffin School; and to generate “class lists” to distribute to parents within your son’s class. There is a section on the Admission Form for you to agree to share your information with Tiffin Parents’ Association and for your details to be shared with the other parents in your son’s class. Please agree! Pre-owned Uniform Sale Tiffin Parents Association are pleased to offer new boys and their parents the chance to buy pre-owned blazers, uniform and sports kit at half the price or less of buying new on Saturday 27th April 2019. The Sale starts 10am, last admission will be at 10.40am. There will be limited availability to park at the school. Payment can only be taken in cash or by cheques. Some items are very popular so come early to avoid disappointment. For pre-sale enquiries please email Johanna at johanna.pursey@gmail.com . We look forward to meeting you at the sale.

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