Head's Newsletter 10 May 2019
Vishal Mistry, a Year 13 A-Level Art student, who will be going on to study Architecture at Bath University, has been awarded first prize at The King- ston Artists Open Studios (KAOS) Art competition. He created a maquette of an auditori- um inspired by Frank Gehry and Santi- ago Calatrava (see below and right).
Vishal won £100 to spend on art materials and will have his work shown publicly at Kingston Artist Open Studios and it will be published in Kingston Artist Open Studios publicity materi- als/brochures and KAOS website page. Tristan Galvin-Sparks, a Year 11 Art GCSE stu- dent, received recognition and was highly com- mended on his architectural maquette inspired by Richard Rogers (see below).
Tiffin Art department, was also award- ed first prize last year, which makes the success even more notable. KAOS judging panel were exceptionally impressed this year with the volume of entries from Tiffin School and the ex- citing variety of artworks submitted and the range of materials used to create fabulous works of art. Well done Vishal and Tristan! Please visit this link to view the winning and the highly commended artworks.
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