Head's Newsletter 11 December 2015
Award of the Waterloo New Dispatch In summer we entered a competition called 'Timeline 200' which asked students in Year 9 to write about their chosen Defin- ing Moments in history of the last 200 years from 1815 – 2015. Peter Warwick of the New Waterloo Dispatch visited Tiffin last Friday to present the School with our own special New Waterloo Dispatch (the only school in the country to receive it) in a Y10 Assembly, as well as Certificates for the many boys who entered an essay, “in recognition of their outstanding contribu- tion to the Timeline 200 competition”. We also received a letter from Historian & Broadcaster Dan Snow recognising the out- standing contributions the boys had made.
Fishbourne Roman Palace 145 Year 8 Tiffinians enjoyed a day at Fish- bourne Roman Palace last week. During the course of the visit, they had the oppor- tunity to admire the site's extensive ar- chaeological remains, including some of Europe's finest Roman mosaics. In addi- tion, they received a lecture on Roman plumbing and participated in a Technology & Construction Workshop with an archae- ologist. Students also undertook research and filming in preparation for their project work for which they have been tasked with producing a 'Grand Designs' style docu- mentary about the Palace. My thanks, as always, go to the staff and parents who ac- companied us on the trip, as well as the boys themselves whose behaviour was im- peccable and enthusiasm unmistakable.
Above: Owen Bryan-Williams, Head of History; Lieutenant Colonel Graham Jones, Musical Director, Household Cavalry; Victoria Nielson, Campaign Director, Hungry for History; and Peter Warwick, Chairman, New Waterloo Dispatch.
Tuesday 15 December
L6 Parents’ Consultations: School finishes at 2.40
Wednesday 16 December
Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols for guests, parents and Alumni; tickets available from the Main Office Normal school, but Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols in afternoon for boys who will be dismissed from Kingston Parish Church about 3.30
Thursday 17 December
Friday 18 December
Break up for Christmas holiday: School finishes by midday
Monday 4 January
Start of Spring Term; 8.30 normal start
Thursday 7 January
Year 11 Parents’ Consultations: School finishes at 2.40
Tuesday 26 January
Year 9 Parents’ Consultations: School finishes at 2.00
Tuesday 2 February
Afternoon staff INSET: School finishes at 2.00 (or earlier for sixth formers depend- ing on their timetables)
Friday 12 February
Break up for half term; normal 3.30 finish
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