Head's Newsletter 16 December 2022
Rugby rumblings
Autumn acts as a pre - season of sorts for girls rugby with competitive fixtures commencing in the new year. However, it has been hugely successful from the point of view of developing the new squad which hopes to build on the success of their first and unbeaten XVs season of last year. It has been hugely gratifying to see nearly 30 girls playing rugby over this term, over half of whom are Yr12s totally new to the sport. Such depth twinned with the experience of the veteran Yr13s bodes well for another successful competitive season.
Netball Activity
The girls have had a full term of competitions for all three teams with a variety of home and away games. The most impressive match was last week where the A team won against Emanuel school (35 - 11) with strong performances from Natasha Drake as Centre and Alice Boyre with her precise shooting. Amy Fitch and Tessa Johnstone have also been identified as going above and beyond to support all the teams. With such a strong squad they are looking forward to the next few terms of competitive play.
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