Head's Newsletter 27 April 2018
In further news on the building front, I am excited to report that we are now pressing on with the next phase of our site and fa- cilities master plan, converting some of our ground floor space into a new sixth form area, thereby vastly improving the facilities for the sixth form students. Work will be starting on these new facilities at the end of May, and they will be ready for this Sep- tember.
IMPORTANT NOTICE—CAR PARKING AND VISITING THE SCHOOL Parents cannot park or drive onto the school site during the day before 4.30 pm. If parents are visiting school, please park in one of the town centre car parks or on me- tered bays on Birkenhead Avenue and en- ter the school through the Hilmy Gate, ringing the entrance bell. The new London Road pedestrian entrance is meant for pu- pils only. Although most pupils come to school by public transport, if you do drop your son off at school please consider our neighbours and do not block entrances, driveways or turning bays in the surround- ing roads. If a boy is being dropped at school it is far preferable for him to be let out further away so that he can walk the last part. In exceptional cases, when the office asks a parent to collect their son who is poorly, the office will let the parent know where they can park. Yours, M D Gascoigne Headteacher
Sixth Form Centre—as proposed
Sixth Form Centre—as proposed
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