Head's Newsletter 30 November 2018
SOUTH-EAST ENGLAND BOYS’ CHESS CHAMPIONSHIPS On Sunday, 4 th November a team of 10 Tiffinians entered the South-East England Boys’ Chess Championships held at Sandown Racecourse and came back with the trophy for best school in the South- East of England. Congratulations to all involved!
anachronism, and the negative impact of the fashion industry on the young. The standard was again fierce, and a number of prestigious schools were involved in the process, including Lady Eleanor Holles, Kingston Grammar School, Highgate and Ibstock Place. The Tiffin German Debating Team won both the Year 13 and Year 11 competitions, (both finishing undefeated after 3 debates) with a creditable 3 rd place in the Year 12 competition. All the entrants in the Year 11 competition were highly commended. Euan O'Connor and Laurie Kenney won their category for the 2 nd year running, and Euan has now won at all levels in the 3 years he has competed. The competition highlights the wonderful dynamism, enthusiasm and rigour that our students of German possess. Well done to all involved!
GERMAN DEBATING COMPETITION The 4 th annual German Debating competition was held at Ibstock Place School on Tuesday 20 th November, with a Tiffin team comprising 4 experienced Sixth Form veterans and 8 keen Year 11 rookies. The Debating Competition is entirely voluntary, and is offered above and beyond the normal German curriculum. With significant interest in Year 11, Tiffin were permitted to enter 4 teams in that age group. With 12 competitors, this Tiffin team was the largest team from any school in the history of the competition. All competitors engage in very formal debates against students of the same age from other schools on a number of contentious issues. All the debates are held entirely in the German language, and are scored by independent umpires. This year’s motions included making school uniform voluntary, the EU as an
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