Head's Newsletter 9 July 2021

Fortunately, COVID couldn't hold us back from making La Boheme the best it could be. Teachers, students, and chaperones, we all worked in it together. I will always cherish this memory. Thank you, Miss Smith, Mr Day, Ms Cadogan, and everyone who helped us for giving me this opportunity. Written by, Suhaas Karthikeyan 8MMB La Boheme is one of the most fun things I have ever done. It is absolutely fabulous. This year it was slightly different. It was quite awkward to get used to as I did perform in this production last year. One thing I really did miss was the lamp posts and the actual marching band coming down the middle at the end of Act 2. However, like last year, it was so much fun and I cannot truly express my sadness that my voice will likely change before the next one. One of the nice things about this year is that because there were less people, every detail was thoroughly ironed out because people could see it. All in all this is definitely one of the most fun things ever and I can not put into words how much I am going to miss it. If I had a time machine I would go back in time and do it again and again and again. Although, if I was to pick which Boheme I preferred, this one or last year’s, then last year’s would win. It is both because of a combination of both who I was doing it with and the atmosphere when I was on stage with more people. Either way, Boheme will still hold a special place in my heart. Written by, Xavier Flambert 8SPM


We have been putting finishing touches to the sports centre with our fantastic new logos

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