Headteacher's Newsletter - Monday 16th October 2023

Parent Newsletter Autumn #6 - Monday 16th October 2023

Engage · Aspire · Excel

From the Headteacher

Important Notices

Sixth Form Open Afternoon Sixth Form Open Afternoon for our current Year 11 students will take place on Tuesday 17th October. The afternoon will run from 1430-1630 and parents are encouraged to come with their son and explore the A Level subjects on offer. Compressed Day - 17th October Please note that, due to the Sixth Form Open Afternoon and Open Evening events, lessons will be compressed on Tuesday 17th October. Years 7-9 students will be dismissed from school at 1250 and Years 10-13 at 1300. Parents Driving to School We would like to remind parents who drive to Tiffin not to park across school gates and not to turn their vehicles around in the Queen Elizabeth, London Road or Birkenhead Avenue vehicular gates. This behaviour puts our students, other pedestrians and drivers at risk. Please drop your child away from the main entrances and allow them to walk the final stage to school. Thank you for showing your consideration. School Photos A reminder that the deadline to order school photos with free delivery to the school is midnight on Monday 16th October. Please scan the QR code on your proof and follow the instructions to order. If you require further assistance, please contact Vancols Parent Line on 01206 273711 or email jkennedy@tiffin. kingston.sch.uk.

Important Notices

Parent Partnerships

Parent Feedback

Tiffin Music


Pompeii 2023

Communication is one of our School Priorities for the year and it has been good to get positive feedback on both the weekly newsletter and opportunity for parents to make comments via Tell us at Tiffin . However, we are aware that there are other areas of parental communication which need to be addressed and improved, including even better communication between school and home in terms of your children’s learning. There have been a number of comments about this in Tell us at Tiffin and please be assured that this is an ongoing project to explore possibilities and I am confident we will be able to enhance things in the coming months. Another area we would like to look at is school letters to parents. At the moment, these letters are delivered to parents individually throughout the week as and when they are ready to be sent. However, an alternative, which many schools adopt, is to send out parent letters as a collection once or twice a week. These letters would be filtered so that you only receive those only relevant to your child. Some parents have raised issues about receiving letters at various different times during the working day - this system would send all the letters at a set time each week (unless urgent). We want to be guided by parent preference, so please could you let us know via this very quick form which asks just one question with the opportunity to comment if you wish?

Cross Country


Sports Roundup

Supporting TSBC

Parent Partnerships

SEND Board

For many years, the generosity of parents such as yourself has helped us to provide a wide range of opportunities and activities to broaden and enrich the education of Tiffin students. From the performing arts to the sports field, in the classroom and beyond, the Tiffin Education Fund has been the cornerstone of the provision of an outstanding all-round education. Now more than ever, the assistance of the whole Tiffin community is crucial in helping us to continue to offer all of our students an exciting Tiffin education. Many families choose to give a regular gift of £70 a month; some families give more, some less and we are grateful for all contributions. Regular gifts by direct debit give us a predictable income so we can plan ahead to ensure that whatever their choice from our wider opportunities programme, each and every student will benefit from the Tiffin Education Fund.

Contact Us Queen Elizabeth Road Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey KT2 6RL

020 8546 4638

Donate Here

Parent Communication Survey

Thank you for your support – regular donations have the power to collectively make a huge difference. If you have any questions about donating to the School, please contact development@tiffin.kingston.sch. uk


Garth Williams Headteacher

Engage · Aspire · Excel



Parent Feedback

‘Tell us at Tiffin’ is a new platform for parents to feed back positive comments and helpful suggestions across all areas of school life. Feedback will be reviewed regularly by the Senior Leadership Team and a collective response will be given via the Parent Newsletter. To submit your comments, please click the link below and log into Insight. You will find the ‘Tell us at Tiffin’ page under the ‘General’ tab.

Submit Feedback Here


Tiffin Reaches No. 1!

A recording made by the Tiffin Boys’ Choir and Tiffin Children’s Chorus with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra has reached number 1 in the Billboard Classical Chart, and the top 100 across all Billboard Charts (currently at 74, above recent albums by Miley Cyrus and Hozier). Choir members wrote of their experience of recording with Joe Hisaishi in 2022: ‘Members of the Tiffin Boys’ Choir and Tiffin Children’s Chorus have featured recently in a recording of the music of Joe Hisaishi, internationally renowned composer of over 100 film scores and solo albums, including Spirited Away (2001), Fireworks (1997) and The Wind Rises (2013). Joe Hisaishi himself directed the recording which took place at the church of St. Giles in the Barbican complex. Leading up to the recording, choir members attended rehearsals at weekends and after school to learn the challenging three and four part choral music, as well as develop their pronunciation of the Japanese text with the aid of the production company’s language coach. After three intense days of recording at St. Giles’ on 9th, 10th and 11th June, the engineers had the takes they needed. We now look forward to hearing the audio and video recordings which are due for release later this year.’

This year Tiffin students baked up a storm on Tuesday 10th October to raise money for the charity YoungMinds and support the #helloyellow campaign by wearing yellow accessories. The students raised a fantastic £97.00 through their ‘cake break’ and staff were encouraged to ‘tea and talk’. It was so positive to see some of the students trying to buy whole cakes for their form! The just giving page is still open for donations here.

Engage · Aspire · Excel

Engage · Aspire · Excel



Pompeii 2023

48 Year 8 boys left Tiffin at 3am last Thursday to embark upon a Roman adventure. It was the school’s first return visit since the Covid hiatus and excitement levels were high! The group explored the Flavian Amphitheatre and the Ancient Macellum in Pozzuoli, sampled real Neapolitan pizza and navigated a marine archaeological park at Baiae all within the first 12 hours of the trip! On the Friday they visited the hugely impressive remains in Pompeii before climbing Vesuvius. In the evening they got to try their hands at pizza making for themselves! On the Saturday, they marvelled at the wonders of the Imperial Villa of the wife of Nero and walked the streets of the superbly preserved town of Herculaneum. The students were returned to their parents in a state of exhaustion on Saturday evening but all seemed to have had a wonderful weekend despite the punishing schedule, heat and mosquitoes! I would like to thank all the staff who accompanied me on this most enjoyable trip – Mr Marley, Mrs Cadogan, Mrs Bickerstaff and Mr Robins - as well as the boys themselves for their engagement, infectious enthusiasm and sense of fun.

Engage · Aspire · Excel

Engage · Aspire · Excel



Cross Country


Netball at Tiffin continues to strive and grow. On the 4th October, all three teams travelled to Nonsuch Grammar School for Girls. The teams performed brilliantly with two wins for the A’s (37-4) and B’s (22-3) and a narrow loss for the C team. On the 12th October Tiffin travelled to St Benedict’s School in Ealing with the B and C team. Both teams played a fierce game with tough competition narrowly losing. On the same day, Tiffin hosted a home game against St Benedict’s School for the A team. It was a fierce match with many of the staff and students coming to watch for support. Although the A’s lost (27-22) it was a fantastic competitive netball match and the team loved playing for the duration especially on home turf.

The self-selected Saturday elite travelled to Charterhouse (Hogwarts 3.0) to take on the legendary and iconic Big Hill course. Leadership takes many forms and Atharv led the senior team home in a display of even paced running. Akaran showed his leadership through his power to easily conquer said hill twice! Ralph got the squad prepared for the start and Rishit organised the Saturday debut teammates ensuring they were in place for the mass start (although sadly, he was tripped at the start and had to withdraw). All played an integral part in the success of the day. The newcomers ran superbly, smiling for the cameras as they easily vanquished the course.

Adam joined the team this week and ran superbly. Just ahead of him was Atiks, and Jonathan and Adrian were the vital middle order for the team. It has been scientifically proven that the presence of teammates helps to inspire all runners. This was certainly the case for Max, who propelled himself along the course to gain a bronze medal. The team did amazingly well and provisionally finished 4th; a great overall performance against the premiere running teams of the South East including Eton, Charterhouse, Abingdon and The Judd School.

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Engage · Aspire · Excel

Engage · Aspire · Excel




The U14A’s won right at the death against Wimbledon College with a last second penalty kick from Thomas (24-21) which cued understandable celebrations when the final whistle blew! They were then given a particularly tough draw in the National Cup against Whitgift School and despite their valiant efforts, Whitgift showed a different level of class and won 33-7. The U14B’s have had two gutsy performances against Dulwich College D’s (22-29) and Wimbledon College (17-32) but are constantly improving, they will definitely get that much awaited win soon! The U13A’s are perhaps our most improved side of the season so far, starting unbeaten in three games, beating Gunnersbury (45-25) and Wimbledon College (25-15) since our last round-up - really well done to all in the squad! After narrowly beating Gunnersbury 25-20, the U13B’s fell short against an athletic Wimbledon College side 20-35. The U12A’s got their first win at Tiffin School in a quality performance against Gunnersbury (25-10), definitely a proud moment for those who took part! They unfortunately lost against a strong Wimbledon College side (20-25) but are constantly progressing at an alarming rate - a really promising start to their Tiffin Rugby career. This is also true with the U12B’s, who beat Gunnersbury convincingly (30-0) and then a brilliant victory against Wimbledon College (25-15).

Sports Roundup Since our last round-up, we’ve had two more successful block fixtures across the school against Gunnersbury and Wimbledon College. With our participation exceptionally strong school-wide, we’re about to play our largest Year 7 block fixture so far against London Oratory School, with teams A to F running out to represent the school. It’s brilliant to see this level of participation in our youngest years which will help us build the sporting culture that we want to see throughout the school in the years to come. The 1st XV are still yet to be beaten after a comprehensive 40-0 victory against Gunnersbury - that makes them 6 from 6 with 215 points scored and only 47 conceded. Two stern tests against London Oratory and then Glyn in the third round of the National Vase await for the 1st XV - best of luck to them and hopefully they can keep their unbeaten streak alive and progress in the Vase! The 2nd XV put on a dominant display against Wimbledon College running out 49-21 winners after an especially good first half - lots of future 1st XV players in that side so it’s great to see these performances, hopefully providing a bit of momentum for them as a squad. The U16A’s have continued their strong start to the season with a gritty 14-10 win against a good Wimbledon College, helped by Oliver, who can’t stop scoring for the 1st XV this season, with another two tries for his own age group this week. In the 16Bs’ first fixture of the year, some great forward play and strong set piece work unfortunately wasn’t enough to get the win, but the performance means there is plenty to build on for the season. The U15A’s had a really strong performance and result against Gunnersbury (33-5) but were unfortunately not able to back that up against Wimbledon College in the A’s (17-26) or the B’s (10-22) after two close contests - much to be positive about though for this age group and their numbers at training have been particularly impressive.

In other sports news, two of our students have been selected to represent England Volleyball at the NEVZA Tournament which is overseas over the weekend of the 16th-18th October - Anja in Year 12 (pictured) and Rease in Year 10. A huge congratulations to both, it’s a tremendous achievement to be selected at such a high level. Best of luck in the tournament! This concludes our sports round-up for this week - good luck to all those representing Tiffin School in the last week of the half-term! Supporting TSBC

Tiffin School would like to make you aware that Churchods have offered to donate to Tiffin School Boat Club if used by Tiffin families. However, Tiffin School are not endorsing Churchods, but publicising the opportunity that is availble should families wish to consider it.

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Engage · Aspire · Excel


Engage · Aspire · Excel


SEND Board

A place for information and advice regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Get in Touch

Please do get in touch via SEN@tiffin.kingston.sch.uk if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s educational needs.

Engage · Aspire · Excel


Tiffin School 020 8546 4638 · office@tiffin.kingston.sch.uk · tiffinschool.co.uk

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