New Parents Handbook 2019

Monitoring Progress and Assessment

Your son's first term with us is an exciting and, for some, an awesome challenge. His success depends upon his happiness and Year 7 tutors carefully monitor the way boys settle, make friends and take up new activities. His work will be monitored regularly and information regarding your son will be disseminated via Insight (the parental portal). You will receive two Progress Reviews in the year giving a snap shot of your son’s Attitude to Learning; his Organisation and his Progress. The first of these will be available in the second half of the autumn term. In addition to the above you will be able to see your son’s attendance; the number of merits he has accumulated - and in some cases demerits! In the spring term you will have the opportunity to meet many of your son’s subject teachers to discuss his progress. This is called the Parental Consultation Session and takes place from 2:00 pm until 5:30 pm in the Dining Hall. Such sessions are held for each year group and they run from late November until the end of the Spring Term. Please be aware that it is impossible to book consultations with every teacher. On each of these afternoons the school day is shortened for all those not involved in the consultations. We will give you warning of these.

An “Open Forum” evening is held for each year group, and for parents of Year 7 this will be held on Tuesday 25 September 2019. Whilst tutors and the Head of Year are available to discuss any difficulties with settling or coping, this is very much a social occasion, with the emphasis on becoming part of a team with tutoring staff. During the summer term, progress in most subjects will be assessed by formal examinations. An Assessment Record, including a tutor report and individual subject information will be available on the parental portal. If, at any time during the year, there are any concerns you wish to bring to our attention, initially, please email your son's tutor or his subject teacher, depending on the issue. If you feel there is a bigger problem you may email the Head of Year 7. Please do not drop into school expecting to be able to meet with staff, they will not be available at short notice.


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