New Parents Handbook 2019
General Information
Curriculum Information On entering the School pupils are placed at random in six equal forms, three of the forms study French and three study German. The remaining course of study for Year 7 comprises English, Drama, History, Geography, Latin, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Art, Music, Dance, Design Technology, Information Technol- ogy, Religion & Philosophy, Physical Education, Games and 21st Century Life. Tiffin School Network On joining Tiffin School your son will be instructed on how to log on to the school network, giving him access to our virtual learning envi- ronment, to his own working folders and his own email account. He will be shown how to change his password. He will have his own ac- cess to Insight so he can also see how many merits he is accruing! His homework will also be online so that he will always know what has been set. He will have printing credits so that he may print out work in the LRC. He will use IT in a variety of lessons and be advised on how to stay safe online. In the first few weeks we will introduce him to the School Network Contract that he must adhere to, to ensure that he is using IT sensibly and securely. Clubs and Societies Boys are encouraged from the beginning of Year 7 to become in- volved in several of the many clubs and societies which are held dur- ing the lunchtimes and after school. The choice includes: Art, Ath- letics, Cards, Chess, Badminton, Basketball, Bridge, Film Club, Charity Club, Reading Group, Cross-Country, Photography, Forensic, Computing, String Orchestra, Second Orchestra, Concert Band, Choirs, Table Tennis and Dance., as well as the usual sports and House competitions. An up to date list of clubs and societies will be available on the Tiffin Google site (accessible through the Tiffin website) and in student Planners from September.
Games and Sport All pupils participate in some sort of sporting activity. Games are scheduled for Friday afternoons in Year 7. Coaches take the boys to our main sports ground, Grists, at Hampton Court. They make their own way home. (Please see our website for maps ) There are a wide range of sports to get involved in. Our sporting facilities are excellent; as well as our sports ground, we have our Sports Hall, Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) and cricket nets here on the School site, and our recently re-furbished Boathouse on the Thames (boys may opt for rowing from Year 9). Tiffin is also renowned for the high quality teams it runs in many sports, and training for these will take place at lunchtimes as well as on games afternoons. If selected for the Rugby, Rowing, Cross Country or Cricket teams, your son will have fixtures on Saturdays and training after school. The House System This is a wonderful way of encouraging all year groups to mix and for all boys to take responsibility for earning points for their House. All students are allocated randomly to one of the eight Houses on joining the School. If you have a link to a particular House (another son or relative perhaps) you can request that your son is placed in the same House on the Admission Form. The inter-House competition allows all to actively participate in events and teams, whether they are sporting, artistic, or academic. It might be the House Football, or the House General Knowledge Team! As your son moves up the School he will also have plenty of opportunity to take responsibilities in the leadership of his House. House opportunities and information will also be updated regularly on the Tiffin Google site.
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