Tiffin Sixth Form Course Guide 2021
Enrichment opportunities?
Further Mathematics is also a very popu- lar and much enjoyed subject at Tiffin. It allows students to study the subject in greater depth and demonstrate even greater mathematical aptitude.
All the enrichment opportunities available to students studying Maths are also avail- able to these studying Maths and Further Maths.
What will you study?
Where might it lead you?
The Further Maths course builds on the A Level course with further study of key are- as like calculus and proof. It also intro- duces further new concepts such as ma- trices, complex numbers polar co- ordinates. The course allows student to specialise and at Tiffin we offer three dif- ferent specialisms in Mechanics, Statistics and Pure Maths. Student do not need to choose their specialisms until the second year by which time they will have a great- er understanding of what these areas in- volve. The full Maths A Level is taught during the first year and student who are ready can choose to sit A Level Maths exams at the end of year 12. Further Maths is as- sessed a the end of Year 13 and comprises two Further Core Maths papers and two additional papers in Mechanics, Statistics, Pure Maths or a combination depending on your chosen specialism. How is it assessed?
Challenging yourself in Further Maths can be an advantage for students aspiring to study Maths, Physics, Engineering, Eco- nomics or Computer Science at the high- est level, and can be good preparation for studying something maths-related at uni- versity. However, you can access the vast majority of university maths-related courses without taking Further Maths. Last year, A Level Further Mathematics students went on to study Engineering, Natural Sciences, Economics, Medicine, Law, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Cognitive Neuroscience and Psy- chology, Philosophy and Geography.
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