Tiffin Sixth Form Course Guide 2021


How is it assessed?

Where might it lead you?

Art & Design introduces students to a range of intellectual and practical skills. It provides students with regular opportuni- ties to think imaginatively and creatively across a variety of media.

Component 1: Personal Investigation 60 % of A level. Set and marked by the teacher and moderated by Edexcel in June. Component 2: Externally Set Assignment 40% of A Level. Set by Edexcel marked by the teacher and moderated by AQA in June. An exhibition of students’ work will con- clude the course. Students have the opportunity to take part in visits to London’s museums and galleries both as teacher-led activities and as self-directed outings. Workshop oppor- tunities at the major London galleries and art colleges are built into the course. Eve- ry year there is a residential art trip to a European city. Recent trips have included Venice, Rome, Barcelona and Berlin. Students are encouraged to attend life- drawing classes as an integral part of the course. Students regularly submit their work to National Art competitions. Recent success includes a British Film Institute award, work exhibited in the National Por- trait Gallery and the Royal Academy. Enrichment opportunities?

Students of Art and Design build on the technical skills and development of ideas required by the creative industries, whilst aligning their work with contemporary theory and practice. To be successful in the subject, you will need to develop strong time management and organisa- tional skills, together with the ability to work independently, as there is a signifi- cant commitment outside of class to build a portfolio of work. Combined with the development of the strong research skills needed to produce a final written assign- ment, you will have transferable skills to show employers and university course leaders across all disciplines. Many of our students continue their crea- tive studies at art colleges and universi- ties, including Central St Martins, Cam- berwell, Oxford and Cambridge, e.g. in Fi- ne Art, Graphic Design, Architecture, Film Production, Product Design, History of Art and Fashion Design. Others move on to study other areas, most recently Psycholo- gy, Modern Languages, Computer Science, PPE, Engineering and Marketing. In to- day’s visual world, the ability to translate concepts and ideas into impactful images and products has value across a range of career paths.

What will you study?

Students studying Art & Design will be in- troduced to a variety of experiences ex- ploring a range of art media, processes and techniques. Traditional methods are studied as well as new media – the use of drawing for different purposes is exam- ined, using a variety of methods and scales. Students will work in one or more areas of Art & Design such as drawing and painting, mixed media (collage), print- making, photography, ceramics, sculp- ture, film and architecture. Relevant im- ages, artefacts and resources relating to art, craft and design are investigated. The course enables students to learn how to reflect critically and analyse visual cul- ture. Students will learn to think and make decisions as artists, applying them- selves creatively and with visual intelli- gence. Students will be encouraged to de- velop confidence and technical compe- tence, whilst stimulating their imagination and creativity.

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