

“You’re treated much more l ike a young adult prepar ing you to take on more responsibi l ities . The extracurr icular oppor tunities are endless not to mention the brand new gym that was opened in 2020.”

Maths, Economics, History Keinan

Pastoral care, guidance and support is very important; Sixth Form students are members of a small tutor group, under the supervision of a Personal Tutor who provides pastoral support and care to students, as well as monitoring academic progress. One of the key roles of the Tutor is to develop the social and moral dimension of their tutees, aiming to ensure that all sixth formers reach their potential as citizens, academic students, leaders, and team players. We also have a School Counsellor and School Nurse and the Head of Year is available as a point of contact. Students can be assured that if they have any concerns there will always be someone to talk to.

“One of the first things I did was audition for the Sixth Form Drama Production which I feel real ly helped me integrate into the school . If, l ike me , you don’t know anyone before you come , sign up for extra curr icular activities . It wi l l help you find fr iends with simi lar interests to you. Tiffin has ever ything on offer, from Dance to Rugby to Chess , so there is something on offer for ever yone .”

“Tiffin Sixth Form cares about its students and so creates an emphasis prepar ing them for l ife after education, which I have found incredibly useful . Teachers have been immensely helpful when it came to the UCAS appl ication process , by offer ing up their personal insights and helping to make sure that we , the students , have a clear understanding of how the process works .”

Maths, Further Maths, French, Economics Tanae

Math, Economics and Politics James

Sixth Form Prospectus | www.tiffinschool.co.uk/sixthform

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